(I)ch (L)iebe (I)ch (S)choen

This blog is dedicated to our little girl, Ilis. We would like to capture her growth right from the day she is being conceived. So, here's one for you, my beautiful girl!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Stomach flu

Did you see a duplicate post in Iden's blog? Well, it happens to Ilis too. Yes, Ilis is also down with stomach flu, despite the separation from Iden since Thursday.

Ilis vomited her milk this morning. Imama had a feeling that something could be wrong. True enough, my mother-in-law called me in the afternoon to inform me that she had vomited her brown rice and had watery stools. Her symptoms are exactly the same as Iden's. I knew immediately what is wrong. Haiz.

Brought her to see Dr Ong. Same medication, same advice. Another round again. Nothing much I can do but to let the flu runs its course. Hang in there!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

First taste of cereal

Ilis is 18 week old now. She had her first taste of cereal today. It was a good attempt. I am sure as she grows older, she will enjoy her food more....

Saturday, December 02, 2006

So sweet!!

I am going to show you a very very sweet picture. I love it the moment I see it. Firstly, the colour contrast is very good. Secondly, you can see the sibling love here. Hope you like it as much as I do: