(I)ch (L)iebe (I)ch (S)choen

This blog is dedicated to our little girl, Ilis. We would like to capture her growth right from the day she is being conceived. So, here's one for you, my beautiful girl!

Monday, February 27, 2006

Second opinion

After asking around, ipapa and I have decided that we should seek second opinion on Ilis' result. Through Vivien, I managed to fix an appointment with another gynae - Dr Ang.

Dr Ang explained to me and gave me some options to work with. Somehow, I felt so much relieve after talking to him. I feel that I am in safe hands and thus decide to change gynae. I am convinced that he is the gynae whom I would like to engage for Ilis. After some consultation, I have decided to go for an amnio next week. Oh, as a gift for meeting the first time, Dr Ang gave me a 3D picture of Ilis (of course with a fee). Here it is.... how do you find?

Friday, February 24, 2006

Thank you for being there!

Past few days were real lousy. Busy with work and to make matters worst, the unfavourable result from my blood test. Luckily there are listening ears around to provide me with the much needed support.

Firstly, I have ipapa and Iden. Without them, I would really have gone crazy. Ipapa provides me with his TLC while Iden provides me with his innocence and laughter. Thank you my dearest! As long as I am living, my dearest you all will be!

Last but not least, I have this bunch of good friends (Shihlin, Vivien, Veron, Wenli, Pauline, Yvonne, Carolynn, Christine, Chris, Sherline, Eileen and Ming Ling) who give me advice and share my joy and sorrow with me. I am really fortunate to have known them. If not for them, I would have crumpled under the immense stress. So, babes, here's a big THANK YOU to each and every one of you!!! You are the BEST!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Unfavourable result

Having gone through my first pregnancy smoothly, I thought this second one will be just as easy. Well, in a way, it is. At least I do not have bad morning sickness. However, I guess I have to go through some 'hardship' this time round.

I had my usual blood test done two days ago. This morning, I received a call from the hospital informing me that the test result is out and it is an unfavourable one. Blood test has shown that the reading of my Maternal Serum Screening is 1/100 which means a high risk of having a Down's Syndrome baby. My gynae thus recommends that I go for an amniocentesis. Amnio is able to further confirm my risk of having a Down's baby but it also carries a risk of miscarriage. I have to make a decision fast - to do amnio or not. This is the toughest decision I have to make in my entire life.

My mind is very confused. Everything was well when I had Iden, why is this time different? I really do not know what to do now.

Monday, February 20, 2006

A girl!!!

Went for my check-up again this afternoon. I am currently into my 16th week of pregnancy and the afternoon check-up was to do the usual blood test. During the ultrasound scan, I asked my gynae if he could tell the gender of our baby. He checked around and announced that our baby is 95% girl. A girl!!!! Just as what we have wanted!!! What a complete picture now, with Iden and a little girl. It is the most pleasant news we have received thus far :-))

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Boy or girl?

Will be going for my next check-up tomorrow. I think perhaps can ask my gynae to try to figure out the gender of our baby then. Meanwhile, I am searching for names for a boy or a girl. I have a strong feeling that this pregnancy will be a girl, hence, I am only concentrating to find a nice name for my girl. Hmm... if really a girl, she will be named Ilis. If boy? Well, I will think of the name after the result is out. Call me bias if you want :P