(I)ch (L)iebe (I)ch (S)choen

This blog is dedicated to our little girl, Ilis. We would like to capture her growth right from the day she is being conceived. So, here's one for you, my beautiful girl!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Second visit

My first visit to my gynae was on 2 Dec. From calculation, I was into my 5th week of pregnancy then. It was not easy to detect the baby on the ultrasound scan as I was still in my early weeks of pregnancy. Hence, I was told to come back for a second visit this afternoon.

The sonographer did a vaginal scan and managed to capture a screen shot of the tiny life in my womb.
Those good old memories of pregnancy came back vividly into my mind when I saw the picture.
This baby comes just in time as a great Christmas gift!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Missed period

My last menses was two weeks ago. When it did not come last week, I had already suspected that I may be pregnant. And to confirm my suspicious, my appetite has increased a fair bit. Been feeling hungry easily. So, this morning, I did a test using a pregnancy test kit. Bingo! Two lines on the kit. A visit to my gynae in the afternoon confirmed it. YES, I am pregnant again! What a wonderful feeling.....