(I)ch (L)iebe (I)ch (S)choen

This blog is dedicated to our little girl, Ilis. We would like to capture her growth right from the day she is being conceived. So, here's one for you, my beautiful girl!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Ich Liebe Ich Schoen

Ich Liebe Ich Schoen - some people asked imama why we use this as Ilis' blog address and what is the meaning of it.

Basically, we wanted something nice and significant. Ipapa was the one who thought of this address. You see, ipapa used to work in Germany. During his stint there, he learnt how to speak simple German and made a few good German friends. (Oh, side track a bit, the IT family will be visiting our German friends in April!!!) So, after nights of thinking, ipapa came up with a German version of the blog address.

Ich Liebe Ich Schoen simply means I Love I Pretty. It may not sound coherent, but it encompasses what we have in mind for Ilis - we love Ilis and we hope she will grow up to be a pretty (and healthy) gal!

The address is not only nice, it is also significant. Well, it reminds ipapa and I about our good old memories of holidaying in Germany and Czech Republic 4 years back.

And that's how the blog address comes about.....

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Result is out!!

I just came back from Dr Ang's clinic. The result of my amnio is out - Ilis is a normal and healthy baby girl!!! What a relief to hear that!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


After dropping Iden off at my in-law's place, ipapa accompanied me to Thomson Medical Centre for amniocentesis this morning. If I tell you that I wasn't scared, it would be a lie. The truth is, I was afraid and worried. Afraid of the pain which amnio can cause and worried that the outcome of the test is not ideal.

My name was called and I went into the procedural room without ipapa (he was not allowed to view the procedure). Dr Ang explained what he was going to do and the moment I said ok, he began.

Firstly, a sonographer scanned my tummy to see where is Ilis' position. After that, Dr Ang choosed a spot where he was sure that Ilis would not be hurt. Then, he applied antiseptic on that area. Next, I was told to close my eyes while Dr Ang began to draw out the amniotic fluid using a needle. Think the needle must be pretty long in order to reach the water bag. I could feel a pricking pain and I thought the pain was worst than I have expected. Anyway, the whole procedure was over in 15 mins. Dr Ang drew out 20 ml of the amniotic fluid and in case you are curious, it is yellowish in colour.

After amnio, I was given a few days to rest. As amnio carries a risk of miscarriage, I was advised not to carry heavy stuff and walk so much. Rest is very important. The result will be out in 2 weeks time, so meanwhile, I will rest and pray hard.