(I)ch (L)iebe (I)ch (S)choen

This blog is dedicated to our little girl, Ilis. We would like to capture her growth right from the day she is being conceived. So, here's one for you, my beautiful girl!

Monday, July 31, 2006

31 July 2006 - The day

Everyone thinks that it will just be a normal day, but Ilis thinks otherwise.

It all began with some low backaches and tightening feel across my tummy during my sleep. I was wondering if they were contractions. After checking through pregnancy guide books, I was sure that I was experiencing contractions at a regular interval of 10 minutes apart. I alerted ipapa who was still sleeping like a log. In my heart, I was thinking this will likely be THE day.

At about 8 am, my contractions were at 5 minutes apart. Having contacted Dr Ang earlier, we had to be at Thomson Medical Centre the soonest possible. By the time Dr Ang did a vaginal examination, I was already 5 cm dilated. I was told to proceed to the delivery suite and Ilis was estimated to be out by noon time.

So, off I went to the delivery suite at 9 am while ipapa went to settle the admission process. Having gone through one labour, I did not hesitate but ask for epidural immediately. Once epidural was given, the wait became more bearable.

4 hours later, it was time for me to push. With the guidance of Dr Ang, the nurses and ipapa, Ilis was delivered at 1320 hrs. She weighed 3.185 kg and was 46 cm long. Incidentally, Ilis is Dr Ang's 101th delivery!

This labour was so much easier. I am more in control and feel more relax. Now, the journey of parenthood begins again.

Welcome to the IT family, Ilis!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A waiting game

Was supposed to go for my check-up on Monday but Dr Ang called me to ask if I experienced any cramps. Since I did not have any cramps nor contractions, Dr Ang then told me to go to him today instead.

Had an ultra scan just now and found out that Ilis is about 3 kg now. Dr Ang did a vaginal examination again to determine if I had dilated further. I was waiting anxiously and hoping to hear some good news (further dilation). However, I did not get what I want. Dilation still remained the same and Ilis is still comfortable in my tummy. Frankly, I was kind of disappointed upon hearing the news. I thought I could see Ilis real soon. I guess I should not raise my hopes too high and should just let nature takes its course. Her estimated due date is 5 August, so by right, it is still early for her to be out now.

I just want to say this to Ilis. Ilis, mummy promises you that I will not 'pressure' you again to come out. You determine for yourself when you think you are ready to face the world. So long as you give mummy ample notice, I will make sure you will be out smoothly and in safe hands.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

No sigh yet

As I was already 3 cm dilated, I was instructed to go back to Dr Ang again just now to have another vaginal examination. After a brief examination, Dr Ang told me that there have been no further dilation since Monday. Guess Ilis is still enjoying herself in my tummy and will take a while more before she decides to come out. Well, what to do? Such things cannot be rushed. I will just have to relax and go back for another examination next Monday.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Out anytime

I was at Dr Ang's clinic for a check-up this morning. Am approaching 38th week and as expected, Dr Ang did a vaginal examination on me and told me that I am already 3 cm dilated! Wow, wow! This is getting really exciting!

Dr Ang said that I am due anytime. If I choose to do so, he can admit me into hospital, break my water bag and deliver Ilis! After thinking through, I decided to let nature takes its course. Meanwhile, I will go home, rest and wait for the BIG day to come.

So... Ilis will be out anytime.... when will it be? It is anyone's guess. Watch out this space for her arrival!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

IT family - glamour shots

It seems like a tradition in IT family already huh? The last time when I was expecting Iden, we took some glamour shots. Now with Ilis, we decided we should do a family shot just to capture the moment. So… off we went again for the photo shoot.

What do you think of the pictures? Both ipapa and I like the one with all of us in beige. Very blissful picture, don’t you think so?