(I)ch (L)iebe (I)ch (S)choen

This blog is dedicated to our little girl, Ilis. We would like to capture her growth right from the day she is being conceived. So, here's one for you, my beautiful girl!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Joyce's gift

Joyce is imama's ex-colleague. She is a very sweet and kind lady. The IT family met with her and her fiancé for breakfast on a Sunday morning. Joyce bought some nice clothes for Ilis and this is one of them. Imama likes it very much as the colours of pink and purple are so sweet. Thanks to Joyce for the lovely gifts!

Sunday, October 22, 2006


Our schedule on weekday looks like this:
6 am - 7.45 am: Wake up, milk time for the kids, everyone gets ready to go out
7.45 am - 9 am: Ipapa sends Iden to child care centre, Ilis to in-law's place, imama to work before going to work himself
9 am - 6 pm: Both parents are at work
6 pm - 9 pm: Bring Iden and Ilis back home, have dinner, bathe Iden, story time, milk time, sleep time
9 pm - xxx: Our own time

Our weekend schedule looks like this:
6 am - 7 am: Wake up and milk time
7 am - 10 am: Cut finger nails (on Sunday), bathe kids, bring them out for breakfast and do grocery shopping
11 am - 12 pm: Play time
12 pm - 1 pm: Lunch time, feed the kids
1 pm - 3 pm: Nap time for the kids while ipapa and I have our lunch
3 pm - 8 pm: Time to bring the kids out (my mum's place, parks, shopping, etc), dinner
8 pm - 10 pm: Bathe the kids, story time, milk time and sleep time
10 pm - xxx: Our own time

From the moment we wake up to the time we sleep, it is activity after activity. Everything revolves around the kids nowadays. Our own time will begin only after both of them are settled and tucked into bed. And what do we do with our own time? Not to rest, but to continue with household chores, office work (for ipapa) and other work which we simply have no time to do with the kids around. What about our bed time? It will be 10 pm on good days but 12 am on bad days. And the cycle starts again. No wonder both of us have panda eyes which don't seem to go away no matter how much we sleep. No one says parenting is an easy job :-)

Is your schedule like ours too?

Friday, October 20, 2006

Laughter is the best medicine

Do you feel down lately? Sick and tired of your routine life? Don't fret. Take a look at Ilis below:

Do you feel better now?

Monday, October 16, 2006

Trying to flip

Can you figure out what she is trying to do?

Yes, Ilis is trying to flip over to her tummy lately. We are waiting patiently for that day to come....

Sunday, October 15, 2006


At last, at last, Ilis is in a dress! Actually she wore a dress some time back, but we forgot to take a picture, so this time round, we wouldn't want to miss the chance.

Ipapa always complains that she looks like a boy. But I disagree. I think she has some girl features too, especially her eyebrow. See how lady-like she can be....

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Nebuliser experience

Hmm... Ilis doesn't seem to be recovering well after the visit to Dr Ong last week. In fact, she has been passing loose stools since Monday. To prevent further complications, we brought her to Dr Ong this morning.

Dr Ong could hear some wheezing sound and recommended nebuliser to help her. Haiz... poor Ilis had to use nebuliser for the first time. We certainly hope it will be the last time.

The nebuliser did help Ilis a lot. At least she could breathe easily and could enjoy her milk better. We are looking forward to seeing her get well soon....

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Back at home

Yeah, Ilis is back at home now. She is sleeping soundly in her cradle now. BUT, things aren’t looking bright at her end too. Well, we brought her to see her paediatrician this afternoon. Ilis is down with runny nose and a cough. She looks so pitiful in this state. Poor baby. Wishing you a speedy recovery….

Monday, October 02, 2006

I miss my girl

This is the first time that Ilis is not sleeping at home. Well, we have decided to let Ilis spend a few nights at my in-law’s place (my mother-in-law is taking care of her) in view of Iden’s condition. We do not want to take the risk of her catching the virus.

Yes, I know, my mother-in-law will take good care of her and yes, I know, it is for the best of Ilis’ health, but I still cannot help but miss her. Let’s just hope Iden gets well soon and we can bring Ilis back home by this weekend.